Warm-Pulse-Rain - tabla, transducers and electronics (8-channels) (2024) / 12:30
Vista - piano, video and ice (2022) / 14:00
Blue, Rising - piano and transducers (2019) / 8:30
Utterance in Motion - clarinet, video & electronics (2018) / 9:00
The Excess - sub-bass & sopranino recorders and electronics (2017) / 7:00
Shimmer, Tree | In Memoriam Jonathan Harvey - piano and electronics (2014) / 15:00
Breath in Quiet - violoncello and thread (2014) / 8:00
Reservoir - voice and electronics (2013) (28-channels) / 9:40
While Ripples Enlace... - alto recorder and electronics (2010) / 8:25
Resonans Campanis- organ solo (2009) / 6:00
Piano Con Moto - piano, video and live-electronics (2007) / 14:18
Fixed - contrabass flute and live-electronics (2005/rev. 06) / 10:30
Little Suite - flute solo (2005) / 3:00
Hidden Voices - piano solo (2003) / 9:20
Slipstream - flute and electronics (7-channels) (2002) / 10:50
Sift - violin and electronics (2001) / 11:11
Snow Descending under Moonlight - flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and vibraphone (2025) / 9:00
Furusato | home of the heart - violin, viola, cello and electronics (fixed media) (2021) / 14:30
Crossbeams - clarinet, horn, cello and electronics (3-channels) (2021) / 13:00
Constraint Obstacle Studies - distanced ensemble of 12 musicians (2020) / 10:00
Orbit - saxophone octet (or for any instrument family) (2019) / 6:30
Orison - three music box players and electronics (stereo) (2017) / 8:15
In Praise of Shadows - three paper players and electronics (4-channels) (2015) / 9:00
Dreams and Wandering - chamber orchestra and electronics (2012) / 23:00
Wintry Air - string orchestra (2007) / 8:00
Distortion - flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin and cello (1999) / 9:30
Minyo - string quartet (1997) / 15:00
Whisper Nocturne - viola, cello and piano (1997) / 10:00
Quintet - bass clarinet, bassoon, piano, percussion and double bass (1997) / 9:00
Transparent String - piano trio (1995) / 8:00
Enmei - four dancers and electronics (2017) / 20:00
Vestigia - string quartet, two dancers, live-electronics and video (2009/2011) / 15:00
I-th Time - actors, dancers, hologram, video and electronics (2009) / 60:00
Yoei - six percussionists, live-electronics and dancer (1999) / 20:00
Eclipse - two dancers, robotic lights and electronics (1996) / 6:30
Anonymous Egos - 3D mapping video and live-electronics (2011) / 15:16
Tsururan (Sagi-So) - stereo (2012) / 2:44
Automata | Mechanical Garden - 16-channel diffusion (2010) / 8:35
Epiphyllum Oxypetalum - 14-channels (2009) / 10:32
Kreisen - interactive audio-visual installation (2005-2006)
Kreisen - video and surround sound (4-channels) (2004) / 10:42
Umidi Soni Colores - 3 videos and electronics (8-channels) (2002) / 16:00
Secrets - sound design and scoring for the work by the artist, Nelly Agassi (2024)
One Cloud - original scoring for the video work by the artist, Antonia Contro (2022)
DRAMA - sound design and scoring for the work by the artist, Geof Oppenheimer (2015)
Anthem - sound design and scoring for the work by the artist, Geof Oppenheimer (2011)
Cinema Vertigo - sound design and scoring for the work by the artist, Claudia Rohrmoser (2008)
Dinge | Lost: Urban Poetry in Motion - sound design and scoring for the installation by the artist, Inga Liksaite (2008)
Ann Sofi Siden - sound design and scoring for the exhibition by the artist, Ann Sofi Siden (2006)