ISCM World Music Days 2019 concert review, and review of my work “Orison” for three music box players and electronics, published on 5:4 . For the full article, please visit here.
ISCM-World Music Days 2019
Orison for three music boxes and electronics was selected by the international ISCM jury (International Society for Contemporary Music) for performance at ISCM World Music Days in Tallinn, Estonia this May. The work will receive a European premiere during the festival by Defunensemble from Finland. The festival will take place between May 2-10, 2019. Please visit the ISCM 2019 official website for more detail:
Kotoka Suzuki’s In Praise of Shadows. Presented by / une presentation de : ISCM World New Music Days 2017/ Les Journées mondiales de la musique contemporaine SIMC 2017 Editor / monteur - Mike Southworth, Collide Entertainment Producer / productrice - Joanna Dundas Camera Operators / cadreurs - Doug Fury, Mike Southworth Sound Engineer / ingénieur
In Praise of Shadows: Vancouver Electronic Ensemble
Vancouver Electronic Ensemble gave a beautiful performance of "In Praise of Shadows" at the ISCM World Music Days 2017 last month. The documentation of their performance is now available on ISCM World Music Days 2017 YouTube channel here!
Vancouver New Music spotlights international composers
Vancouver New Music will present "In Praise of Shadows" as the evening's grand finale of the November 3rd program as part of the ISCM World Music Days. Overview of the upcoming Vancouver new Music season is published on the Georgia Straight, the Vancouver news and premier guide for events.